"Beautiful! Thank you! Will never forget the joy of teaching your songs. The passion I had for the breadth of meaning behind every lyric, vowel pronunciations, harmony, dynamics... It was incredible for me to have these pieces and it was not infrequently the children would RUSH into the room so excited to begin work on them... I was THRILLED every single day, and your pieces added so much to the trajectory of a semester's work. Cannot impart the peace and love and HAPPINESS for 9 years! Thank you so much for your part in that!"
Erin Reilly - Vocal teacher Maple Street School (2008 - 2017)
“Everyone needs to hear this. The country needs this song right now!"
The current political drama makes one worried about the future of America but after watching these kids We the People. Am not worried anymore. Our future is in safe hands. These kids will be leaders of tomorrow. My congratulations to Sandy and her team.
This is fantastic! The children sound great and the song has a very powerful message. "We The People" will be a hit with teachers who are helping children learn the Preamble to the Constitution. Thank you for this inspiring video.
To The Editor:
Last week, (your paper) offered two contrasting interpretations of how our Constitution continues to resonate and inform our lives as Americans. I was struck by the responsibility we all have as U.S. citizens to understand this seminal document and all that it offers us.
Area composer Sandy Wilbur has made the Preamble to the Constitution come alive in her wonderful educational music video project, We the People (2011).
I was introduced to it as a parent (whose child performed it at school). It is an imaginative, informative and infectious way for our youngest citizens to learn about our country's history and the U.S. Government's role in it.
It opened the 2012 Vermont Legislative Session last January in Montpelier to a standing ovation and has received over 37,000 YouTube hits (now over 90,000). Check it out at http://www. wethepeoplethesong.com - it is fantastic.
In addition to the general public, it is available to schools and organizations and comes with a variety of teaching resources. I highly recommend a look.
Liz Ruffa
From Teachers:
APRIL 3, 2014
GRADES 4,5,6,7,8
April 18, 2014
Dear Sandy,
I want to thank you for the three wonderful songs “We The People”, “Four Score” and Seven Years Ago”, and “She Carries A Torch” you wrote for all to enjoy and to feel the Spirit of what America stands for.
The Burke Town School students, grades four through eighth grade, performed all three at the Spring Concert titled “Learning History Through Music”. As the students sang songs, the documentary film was shown and was very well received by the audience. What a wonderful way to teach history visually and with song.
Comments from the audience and students: awesome, wow, tears, felt good inside, moving, fun, appreciation of America’s history, never forget, students smiles. I sing them all the time. I love the songs.
I like to sing the rap and in two parts. I put some of the concert on face book.
Thank you again and keep writing.
Joan Kirchoff
I ordered your"We the People" DVD last year along with the music sheets. We loved it and I plan on ordering your other songs. I played the We the People for my third graders this year on Constitution Day. One student said, "Mrs. Davis, that song makes me cry, I love that song." What a great job you do! Cheryl Davis
As a choral music teacher, it is so exciting to be presented with new, original material to teach to the students. "We the People" not only provides a truly wonderful opportunity to teach students about the constitution and memorize the preamble, it is a very well crafted song, rich in harmony, with terrific accompaniment! And the "rap" section makes it fresh and relevant. I look forward to having my students perform it in the next all-school concert.
The Song “We the People” is the song every age group can perform and receive a History, English, and Music experience. The Students say “I love “We the People” song.“I haven’t come across a song like this in all the years I have been teaching"
Joan Kirchoff
“Tears. I can't listen to (it) without crying. Shivers!!!!!!!!!! STANDING O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...this is a hit! ” I was deeply moved when I heard Sandy and Leon’s initial arrangement and the emotions never faded. As my students prepared for the premiere performance I wrote to Sandy: “The fifth graders rehearsed yesterday. As I conducted, I started tearing up moved by the sheer joy and sound in the room. One of the boys ran over to me with the box of tissues!! So sweet!” Students LOVE to sing this song and the emotion they pour into each note and phrase, instills a rich and deep sense of honor, pride and patriotic spirit into the hearts and minds of listeners. We would do well to listen, America. Our youth has a new voice, a new song to sing!
Dottie Sundquist - Music Teacher, Cambridge Central School
What a wonderful piece! I will use this in my classes at the State University of New York.
Make this audio video mandatory and to be shown in every class room in the country.
Liostro Ramiro
Great work and do not stop recording other great performances.
My 2012 Kindergarten class in Woodstock GA loved this beautiful patriotic video. They asked me to play it again and again. Thank you for creating this moment for all to enjoy!
This is wonderful. I wish there was an instrumental version as well. Even my middle school students love this song :)
(ANSWER: YES THERE IS – Getting the “We The People” leadsheet is the best way to learn the lyrics)
All my class love's this song!!! Great Job!
Abby Shannon
Make this audio video mandatory and to be shown in every class room in the country. Great work and do not stop recording other great performances.
Liostro Ramiro
This is a great activity strategy for the lesson about the Constitution. This day is celebrated on Monday, September 17, 2012 this year.
Mary Breeding
Thumbs up if your teacher got you here
Cristian Santibanez
XY shared your YouTube video with me and I passed it along to many of my teaching friends. We all agree that it is amazing. Thanks for all your and the beautiful children's hard work. A very worthy message has been given. Take note America!
May 4, 2014
Subject: love your videos!
Hi Sandy--
My name is Carol Gramentine. I teach 3rd grade in a private school in Fort Worth, TX. I have been meaning to write to you for some time now to let you and your amazingly talented kids know how much my students and I have thoroughly enjoyed and learned from your 3 videos. We study the United States--regions and history. We begin the year by learning and understanding the Preamble to the Constitution. That is how I stumbled upon your "We the People" video. Anyway, we watch all 3 of your videos at least once a week, sometimes more. My students keep saying how fun it would be if they could meet you and the kids in the video. We are very impressed by the quality of the music and how happy the kids look. So, we just wanted to say thanks for sharing your gifts with us down here in Texas. My kids are wondering: how old the kids are now, if you all still sing together, and if you are planning to do any new videos anytime soon.
I am sure you all are quite busy but if you have a spare moment we'd love to hear from you and hear a bit more about your music program and your kids.
Thanks so much!
Carol Gramentin
WE THE PEOPLE It has been a true joy teaching this song to my students. First of all, the lyrics include the preamble to the constitution -so rich in importance, fostering brilliant class discussions... But then to have our government explained in a "rap" section makes it fun and exciting. KIDS LOVE LEARNING THIS SONG! The harmonies are beautiful, thus the song allows for music lessons, language and pronunciation exploration, civic lessons, and dialogues. And now, during the election season, it is incredibly relevant. For all the aforementioned reasons, this is the most revered song I've ever taught to students grades 2nd - 8th... I highly recommend you also listen to Sandy Wilbur's other pieces for students: "She Still Carries a Torch, " and "Four Score and Seven Years Ago"
Erin Reilly K-8 Vocal music teacher
SHE STILL CARRIES A TORCH I highly recommend vocal music teachers in all schools teach this song to your students!! First, it is simply beautiful, rich in harmony and has well rendered lyrics; but it is also a brilliant catalyst for fruitful conversations with students. Etched on the statue of liberty are the words: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores. Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed unto me." This magnificent song dovetails brilliantly with discussions about refugees and immigrants, allowing the truths about what we stand for to rise in the consciousness of our students
Erin Reilly, K-8 vocal music teacher
From Students:
My teacher showed us this we have to memorize it to sing to a whole school.these kids are SO awesome
This is an Awsome video! It is very helpful for my Social Studies class.
Melina Haskel
In School We Have to Sing This In Music Class And Im Practicing My Trombone And I Love How You Put The Premble in ThereAWESOME SONG :))))))))))))
Tyler Lovenjak
This was played at my school during the morning announcements yesterday (Constitution Day)! Catchiest song ever.
Jess Wen
Omg! My 5th grade class will perform this on Constitution Day (Sep. 17)
Showed this to my Social Studies Teacher, were learing about this stuff right now. Hopefully he shows it!
This song is amazing it helped my learn the preamble in about and hour!
Andie M
This song is amazing. I'm watching because i have to memorize the preamble for high school-soical studies :)
Mina Choi
All my class love's this song!!! Great Job!
Abby Shannon
Congrats to all the kids who made this. My 7th grade teacher showed my class this today, and I loved it. I have to memorize the preamble, so this video will help a lot. Again, very big congrats to the kids, and thank you for making this video. It helps so much, and it's so catchy! ;)
Courtney Donnellan
FOUR SCORE: I love this! I always struggle in history and this really helped me! ♥♥
Madeline Ashton
This is a great song last year in 3rd grade our class sang this song in our assembly and we sang it so many times our whole class memorized the song and the rap
Kayla Hundley
Other People
I absolutely LOVE your music video! It made me cry tears of happiness to see young scholars sharing their understanding of "We the People" from the Preamble. Great job!
Terrona Collins
This is pure magic !!!!! and I'm Canadian .... eh?
Jeannette Marshall